- Official Post
Stations where the server path for Wunderground transmission can be set can also be used for AWEKAS.
Please use following settings: (click for full view)
Server Hostname: ws.awekas.at
Path: /weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php?
Station ID: AWEKAS username (from registration)
Station Key: AWEKAS password (from registration)
Port: 80
Upload Interval: 60 seconds
The following stations have been tested:
- Bresser Profi W-LAN Wetter Center 6in1
- Bresser 6-in-1 WLAN Profi Wetterstation
- Ecowitt HP2551
- Ecowitt GW1000
- Eurochron WH2900
- Alecto WS-5500
- Waldbeck Huygens-profi-wetterstation-6in1