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Data from the last 24 hours
TemperatureAir PressureWind Speed Precipitation
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Daily, Monthly and Yearly Data
 TemperatureHumidityAir PressureWind SpeedGust
max21.4 °C95 %1023.1 hPa6.4 km/h11.3 km/h
average11.6 °C78.1 %1021.4 hPa1.8 km/h4.3 km/h
min4.7 °C44 %1019.7 hPa0 km/h1.6 km/h

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 TemperatureAir PressureWind SpeedGustPrecipitation
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 overcast sky / 3.4°C -
 overcast sky / 4.8°C -
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Daily, Monthly and Yearly Data

Yoogali, NSW
36.3°C -
Bethlehem, NH
-13.7°C -
Wind Speed
Col Rodella
52.4km/h - N -
Rosario Santa Fe
73.6 l/m² -
Visitors today: 344
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