AWEKAS - Distance from other stations for comparison [solved]

  • Hi I am new here....nice idea and concept.

    I have setup my account correctly I believe.....can I ask if the distance of 50-60km from other stations crosses borders?

    As I am on the English coast, my nearest station appears to be across the channel in France at the moment......but this station isn't listed as a close station.

    There is only one other station within reach of the 50-60km apparently, but looking at the map I would say there's a few more than that....Please see the attached image.

    My Station number is 8883

    Here is a link to my page:

    (A neighbour in Dover added their station upon my reccommendation as I was typing this)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hello ironeagleuk

    Nearby stations are independient of borders, you can see any station close to another country (e.g. Switzerland) and will appear stations of German, France or Italy.

    In France, Marquise station is the nearest, but that distance (50 km) is approximate. However, in this moment, this station isn´t reporting, the last upload was at 20:55, and not listed.


  • The "nearest stations" idea is quite useless when it comes to data quality checking, I must say.

    In a place like the town I live in, on the coast, surrounded by sierras, with continental climate areas amidst mediterranean coastal climate areas, comparing my data to those of stations 20 or 50 kms away is just silly. But that's the way things are done here and there's nothing one can do about it, I'm afraid. I'm happy to upload my data here. As for the rest, I just don't think about it.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Lancaster, nobody tells you that your station has to look like in your data to one that is in the range of 50 km. Moreover, even within your city may have a station on the terrace of a 12 floor and another at 2 meters on the ground and obviously the wind and temperature data primarily be different. The Data Quality System is to provide guidance to operators of any problems that may arise with a particular sensor, and evidently the operator has to look at nearby stations with the same weather and geographical conditions. In this post explain the system.
    On the other hand, the barometer comparison with nearby stations is entirely usefull.

    Best regards

  • Zitat

    Lancaster, nobody tells you that your station has to look like in your data to one that is in the range of 50 km. Moreover, even within your city may have a station on the terrace of a 12 floor and another at 2 meters on the ground and obviously the wind and temperature data primarily be different. The Data Quality System is to provide guidance to operators of any problems that may arise with a particular sensor, and evidently the operator has to look at nearby stations with the same weather and geographical conditions. In this post explain the system.
    On the other hand, the barometer comparison with nearby stations is entirely usefull.

    Best regards

    Actually the barometer part is the only useful one. A deviation on those data surely implies some kind of problem with the station's adjustments, as the data logically mustn't vary much from one place to another if the pressure is corrected. The pressure comparison is the most stable one. The rest... well it's all anecdotic. It doesn't mean a thing if the stations around me register mean temperature or wind data that are consistently (or the contrary) lower or higher than mine. There's no point in comparing me, Vilanova, for instance with Vilafranca, which is less than 20 kms away up behind the mountains and with a totally different weather. There's no point in comparing me with Barcelona which is 50 kms away. There's more point in comparing me with Vendrell or Cunit, for instance. Etc etc.
    I don't really pay much attention to the quality checking system because of these reasons. The only time I have to look at it is when I see notes on my data because there just happend to be no wind for two days almost, and I'm told to check my software (which is perfectly ok), as if I or my station could have any power over nature's whims ... :winking_face:

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    The distance taken for comparison with the nearby stations is between 60 and 100 km. It is in correlation with the data quality system. Have a look at AWEKAS - Data Quality System Locking for better understanding.

    ID 1779

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