WS3600 - Create your interface

  • Click on the following link to download or open the pdf text. Thank you for reading this one before installation of AWEKAS joined hereafter

    To the WS3600 station users.pdf

    Thank you to not use this page for your help message, go to the thread open on this subject at WS3600 interface development

    For setting-up this application, donwload the zipped file below. A summary notice is included in the DOC directory.


    ID 1779

    Albert Einstein a dit / said:
    "La connaissance s'acquiert par l'expérience, tout le reste n'est que de l'information."
    "Knowledge comes only with practice, everything else is information."

    Edited 3 times, last by Jean-Marie: changed tltle (March 23, 2011 at 5:42 PM).