WUHU - Instructions for transfer with VWS, WV32, HeavyWeather

  • WUHU software allows you to transfer datas to AWEKAS with :

    Heavy Weather
    Weather View32
    Virtual Weather Station
    WS3600 history.dat file
    and other softwares or direct stations...

    Please download Wuhu file from WUHU Site
    For help about WUHU you can use also WUHU manual at this new link

    Beste Grüße
    AWEKAS - Gründer und Admin

    Edited 8 times, last by Jean-Marie: changed title (03/2017)changed links for download and manual (March 6, 2017 at 8:12 AM).

  • Here a little manual for WUHU configuration:

    Step 1: Set your AWEKAS username (which you have set at AWEKAS registration)
    Step 2: Set your AWEKAS password (which you have chosen at AWEKAS registration - NOT the awekas activation key !)
    Step 3: Select your software (heavy weather, weather view 32.....)
    Step 4: Check path to your local software data file
    Step 5: Click START to start transfer.

    If transfer is ok station was displayed on AWEKAS maps immediately.
    If no check WUHU Log for errors.