Please can someone unlock my Air Pressure channel?

  • Hi,

    I only saw today that my feed for Air Pressure has become locked.


    Does that mean I must wait to be re-incarnated as someone else?

    Is there some other process to unlock the Air Pressure channel?

    I have now set an offset in my weather station that I believe will end up with results that will be very close to nearby (professional) weather stations.

    I would appreciate it if someone could unlock the Air Pressure channel for me.

    AWEKAS ID is 38240.

    Kind Regards,


  • Requests for blocking or unblocking do not belong in the forum. Always reply to the e-mail you received with the block. Or write directly to the department --->administration(Here you write the character @ sign)

    Gruß aus Niedersachsen
    Greetings from Lower Saxony - Germany

    Ich antworte keinem User, wenn er nicht seine AWEKAS ID in der Anfrage / in der Signatur angibt
    I will not reply to any user if they do not include their AWEKAS ID in their request / signature..
    Je ne réponds à aucun utilisateur s'il n'indique pas son ID AWEKAS dans sa demande / sa signature.
    No responderé a ningún usuario si no incluye su ID de AWEKAS en su solicitud / firma.

    Gruß Udo

    Stations ID: 9713

  • Der Alte September 18, 2024 at 8:30 AM

    Closed the thread.