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Data from the last 24 hours
TemperatureAir PressureWind SpeedGustPrecipitation
Rain rateHumiditySolar radiationUV index 
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Daily, Monthly and Yearly Data
 TemperatureHumidityAir PressureWind SpeedGust
max29.5 °C86 %1011 hPa14.8 km/h22.6 km/h
average21.7 °C62.6 %1009.9 hPa3.3 km/h3.4 km/h
min15.7 °C35 %1008.5 hPa0 km/h0 km/h
 PrecipitationRain rateUV indexSolar radiation 
average  4626.2 W/m² 
max0 mm0 mm/h7.5897 W/m² 

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 TemperatureAir PressureWind SpeedGustPrecipitation
 Rain rateHumiditySolar radiationUV index 
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St. Pölten
Oude Pekela
Weather Report
 partly cloudy / 4.4°C -
 heavy cloud / 14.5°C -
no warnings at the moment
Daily, Monthly and Yearly Data

Hermosillo - Altares
46.3°C -
-1.1°C -
Wind Speed
Le Clat
36.7km/h - N -
North Miami
264.2 l/m² -
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