Exportation données vers awekas

  • Bonjour

    Je me permet de vous contacter car depuis le 3 avril 2023 16h je n'ai plus de relevés de mon fichier

    au format cumulus "awekas_wl.htm" bien que son chemin déclaré sur awekas soit correct, et que les transfets

    ftp soient ok.

    Les données de ma station sont "Trebes" et ID: 2234

    J'ai essayé de réenregistrer les paramètres mais aucun résultat.

    Merci d'avance dans l'attente de la résolution du problème.

    Cordialement astrometeo974

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Veuillez vérifier le paquet de données,


    # FORMAT OF Variation 4 (Weather Link) HTM File
    1st Line) Following text: AWEKAS_Template_start
    2nd Line) Outside temperature (float) (unit at line 23 )
    3rd Line) Humidity (int) (unit at line 24)
    4th Line) Air pressure (float) (unit at line 26)
    5th Line) Precipitation amount in the day (float)
    6th Line) Wind speed (float) (unit at line 25)
    7th Line) Wind direction (in degrees)
    8th Line) Time of measurement (HH:MM)
    9th Line) Date of measurement (if possible in the format DD.MM.YYYY)
    10th Line) Change in air pressure in the last 6 hours – text version according to Weather Link specification
    11th Line) Minus sign (-) is a dummy
    12th Line) Minus sign (-) is a dummy
    13th Line) Minus sign (-) is a dummy
    14th Line) Minus sign (-) is a dummy
    15th Line) Minus sign (-) is a dummy
    16th Line) Minus sign (-) is a dummy
    17th Line) Minus sign (-) is a dummy
    18th Line) Gust (float)
    19th Line) Solarradiation (W/m²) (unit at line 28 )
    20th Line) UV Index (float) (unit at line 30)
    21th Line) Rainrate (float) (unit at line 29)
    22th Line) Soil temperature (unit at line 23 ) (float)
    23th Line) Measurement unit temperature ( (degree sign)C oder F ) (string)
    24th Line) Measurement unit humidity (%) (string)
    25th Line) Measurement unit wind speed (km/hr , m/s, mph ) (string)
    26th Line) Measurement unit air pressure (hPa , in) (string)
    27th Line) Measurement unit precipitation (mm, in) (string)
    28th Line) Measurement unit solar (W/m² ) (string)
    29th Line) Measurement unit rain rate (mm/hr, in/hr) (string)
    30th Line) Measurement unit UV (index) (string)
    31th Line) Template version: current Text: Template_V1.5

    Gruß aus Niedersachsen

    Greetings from Lower Saxony - Germany
    Ich antworte keinem User, wenn er nicht seine AWKAS ID in der Anfrage / in der Signatur angibt.

    I will not reply to any user if they do not include their AWKAS ID in their request / signature..

    Je ne réponds à aucun utilisateur s'il n'indique pas son ID AWKAS dans sa demande / sa signature.

    No responderé a ningún usuario si no incluye su ID de AWKAS en su solicitud / firma.

    Gruß Udo

    Stations ID: 9713